Ein Motiv ist nichts ohne Vordergrund!

Ein gutes Motiv gefunden. Das ist immer ein Fest!

Motive sind die Jagdbeute der Menschen mit Skizzenbuch!

Doch dann stellt man fest, dass das großartige Motiv nix wert ist, ohne den passenden Vordergrund!

Denn Vordergründe speichern das Leben von Bildern und selbst das wundervollste Motiv wird unscheinbar durch inneres Leben.

Den Vordergrund eines Motivs gestalten:

 Ein Tropfen Liebe ist dabei mehr wert als ein Ozean an Verstand.

Jeder Ort hat eine persönliche Seele. Das ist die Mischung dessen, was dort passiert und was dies in Menschen auslöst.

Oft erkennt man mit dem Herzen besser, was in ein Bild rein muss, dann wird es emotional!

Wer einen Ort malt, der sollte zeigen, was er liebt und hasst, denn genau das fängt ein, was man für einen Ort empfindet.

Und diese Empfindungen sind Gold wert, denn sie transportieren sich auf den Betrachter.

Zeig deine Liebe und Wertschätzung für etwas und dein Bild wird gut!

Wie bei Menschen, werden Motive großartig, wenn sich Gefühle und Spannungen ergeben.

Liebe mich dann, wenn ich es am wenigsten verdient habe, denn dann brauche ich es am meisten.“

Nicht alles muss immer alles Zuckersüß sein, es dürfen auch Dinge wie Lieferwagen und Schilder und Strahler rein.

Wann gehört so ein Gerümpel ins Motiv? Wenn es den Ort ausmacht, dazu gehört!  Wenn es Emotionen auslöst.

Genius Loci, die Geschichte dieses Ortes.

Als ich als Studentin hier zum ersten Mal ankam, war dieser Ort eine Ruine, das Dach war eingebrochen. Die übelste Gegend von Barcelona. Es gab kaum Geschäfte, nur eine Apotheke deren Sirene mir nachts den Schlaf raubte und einen zwielichtigen Massagesalon. Die Wohnung war billig, die Drogensüchtigen unerträglich.

Ich schwor mir, wenn ich mal Geld habe, dann komme ich nie wieder hier her.

Eh voila, mein Stadtteil in Barcelona lebt. Die Markthalle erstrahlt in altem Glanz. Die Läden haben sich mit schönen Geschäften gefüllt. Und auf der Straße zeigt sich ein wildes Gemisch farbenfroh gekleideter Menschen, die nach dem Einkaufen in die Bars strömen.

Und ich bin immer noch da.

Wie gestaltet man den Vordergrund im Motiv? -praktische Tipps:

Typisches und Geschichten im Motiv Vordergrund!

Im Motiv steht immer eine Menge Gerümpel herum. Was muss rein?

Direkt links unter dem Baum ist eine S-Bahnstation  und es gibt den Markt. An allen öffentlichen Plätzen in Barcelona stehen immer Fahrräder, denn diese werden der Bevölkerung zur Verfügung gestellt.

Halten wir fest: Rein ins Motiv gehört alles Typische.

Dinge die dich persönlich beschäftigen! Als Deutsch-Schweizerin ist es für mich traumatisch, dass sich niemand an rote Ampellichter hält. Mich regt es maßlos auf, wenn bei Rot von allen Seiten Personen und Fahrzeuge heranschießen.

Tipp: Deine Geschichten müssen ins Bild.

Also laufen die Leute im Bild über die rote Ampel.

Wo stellt man etwas im Bild hin?

Sehr typisch sind hier in der Gegend billige alte Lieferwagen. Wo platziere ich den so etwas im Bild? Große Dinge im Vordergrund brauchen viel Platz.

Deshalb ist es ein guter Tipp, so etwas anzuschneiden und nur halb zu malen.

Noch ein Tipp es ist nicht egal, wo du Bewegliches im Bild hinstellst.

Tipp: kommt etwas von Links fährt es rein ins Bild, rechts fährt es raus. Ein deutlicher Unterschied in der Aussage.

Im Motiv geht es nicht nur um den Vordergrund. Vordergrund und Motiv müssen zusammenarbeiten.

Tipp: Platziere all die kleinen Gegenstände im Vordergrund so, dass sie zum Motiv führen.

Große Gegenstände und Personen schiebe ich gerne an den Rand, damit das Motiv sichtbar bleibt.

Tipp: Vordergrund ist wichtig, doch die wichtigen Anteile des Motivs sollten nicht verdeckt werden.

Alles Zusammenführen im Motiv:

Was ist dir wichtig? Malst und zeichnest du alles in gleicher Intensität, dann sagst du nur mir ist alles egal hier war nichts besonders wichtig.

Der Lieferwagen war weiß, so stark strahlte er, dass niemand mehr auf das Motiv guckte.

Nicht jedes Teil im Bild kann ein Star sein. Manches muss man dämpfen, damit das Hauptmotiv sichtbar bleibt.

Hinweis, du musst dich entscheiden was wichtig ist im Bild und diesen Teil unterstützen.

Innerer Zusammenhang entsteht auch durch die Farbwahl. Die Farben des Marktes wiederholen sich in den Menschen des Vordergrunds, das heißt wir gehören zusammen!

Farbliche Wiederholung des Motivs im Vordergrund unterstützt, den Zusammenhalt des Bildes.

Liebe Grüße ins Wochenende Tine

Bildung ist etwas wert:



Weiterlesen bei Tine zum Thema:

Vordergrund macht Bild gesund!








Brush techniques – Usk Proposal for Pune India

Brush Techniques can be easy, if you realise that they are the slaves of your heart!

I want to paint like a force of nature, like the wind that sweeps across the land.

But painting is not a fight! A brush technique should be easy to handle.

Anger is the enemy of ease.

But don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes are basically a good investment when you realize what you did wrong. Behavior changes very slowly. You will become a good painter step by step because motor skills develop more slowly than comprehension.


To become a good painter, you need four things: a wild heart, fine eye, a crazy but light hand and a brush with a fine tip. Everything else is bells and whistles. Tine

Hello to usk India and warm welcome from Switzerland.

Compared to India, Switzerland is tiny. This is my home Basel and I love it!

I welcome you here from one of the largest cities in Switzerland, Basel. We have 171,000 inhabitants. What is considered a big city here, is probably a smaller district in your city. Because your city is so big, that it makes up half of the citizens of our entire country.
What India and Switzerland have in common, is that we are a melting pot. Our small country combines the knowledge of many nations. We are a country of immigration, and we are in the middle of Europe.
The result is:

We are small, but smart.

And now I am very happy to send the knowledge from a very small country to you in India.
I am almost embarrassed to give a lecture on watercolor in India.

Because India has such a great tradition in painting and also in watercolor.

Watercolor techniques are different to Urban Sketching brush techniques?

But is it really? We always think so because the watercolors we know are often very elaborate. Images that are created in hours of work, in studios.
This is the reason, why we think watercolor is much too complicated for Urban Sketching.

But what if we knew brush techniques that make it easy and fast?

These simple and refined brush techniques are the content of this lecture.

This workshop is not only about what you can do with the brush, but also as well about tricks which make the brush work easier.

Brush techniques,  simple is best for me.

Nothing is worth more than the loving feelings you can give to another person. I want to paint with joy and with emotional involvement. But exactly when I am in this mood, I make a lot of mistakes.

This created some anger in me, because I was not able to paint objects the way I felt the motif.  However, if I painted very correctly and controlled, the momentum was gone.

The advantage of emotional painting is that you touch the viewer.

All I needed were brush techniques that were so simple that I could use them even while painting with my heart.

I allow myself mistakes that happen always in a fast and emotionally sketch. Have you noticed that the left person is missing legs? No? That’s good! Because I think the emotional painting is much more important than the error-free.

Simple urban sketching brush techniques :


„The Person who stops learning is old, if the person is 20 or 80. …. Tine Klein

Often, it’s enough to change a little something about a classic watercolor technique to make it much easier.
This slight change in the brushwork or the structure of the image design can help watercolor to be as fast as the pencil sketch which is very simple coloring.

1. Brushes – my philosophy:

Especially when you are painting on the street, you do not want to have 1000 things with you. I failed because my brush did not do what I wanted! Gradually, I saw that brushes have somewhat different requirements for urban sketching than for watercolor in the artist’s studio.

I asked myself: Why are my brushes failing? Is there the one brush that can do everything?

Watercolor brushes are often designed for very wet techniques. In Urban Sketching, however, you want to work very quickly. The very wet brushes were not suitable for what I wanted to do.

Natural Hair Brushes flooding the paper in small Formats, and the results are  very long drying times and blossoms of water.

I said goodbye to expensive watercolor brushes and at the same time I said goodbye to the water tank brushes that are supposed to be so perfect for urban sketching.

My philosophy was:

Less is more! I wanted only one or two brushes that do everything I want for me.

And this brush should be suitable for spontaneous painting, large glazes and at the same time it should create elegant lines.
I prefer for Urban Sketsching  very large synthetic brushes, but at the same time I like my brushes with a very precise tip.
The large brush body ensures that the brush works like a water tank. At the same time, the synthetic hair ensures that the brush tip is stable und does not soak up too much water.

The control of the water is the key to be a brilliant watercolorist.

The control of the water is the base of all brush techniques.  Water tank brushes constantly release water, which is why I do not like brushes with a water tank. They keep the painter stupid, because they do not let the painter control the water.

If you never learn to control the water in a brush, you can’t put the majority of brush techniques on paper with ease.

If you have learn to control the water, then you can put 95% of an image on paper with ease and speed.

So knowledge is the basis of happiness in painting.


Brush techniques – ways to handle Watercolor:

Watercolor cannot be corrected, it is the technique of masters!

You read this sentence in almost every book! The sentence is so wonderful, because the authors of the books can praise themselves so perfectly with it. Nevertheless, the sentence is totally stupid.
Either I’m hallucinating, or a whole bunch of watercolor authors have taken lots of drugs.

Watercolors are wonderful to correct, because they are water soluble. So don’t be afraid of watercolor.

Brush techniques for lifting watercolor:

The easiest thing, of course, is to remove the paint when it is still wet.

All you need is a slightly damp brush, or sponge. If the paint is still wet, then the brush will soak up the paint and the problem is solved.

The catch to the technique is that you can’t keep working when the paint starts to dry, because that’s when ugly stains appear.
Most often, the paint was not too dark anyway, because it dries much lighter, so with this technique you very often ruin perfectly successful pictures. Therefore, the much smarter method is to let the paint dry completely.

Admittedly, this will need patience, and patience belongs on the endangered species list.

Once the paint is dry, you need a wet synthetic brush. If you rub a synthetic brush over the dried pigments, you will create a static charge.

The pigments detach almost completely from the paper.

It is best to absorb the pigments with a soft cotton cloth. this looks like this:

Tine Klein urban sketchings Kartause Ittingen watercolor usk Proposel Pune urban sketchers Pune

The 3 left houses are not not painted but washed out. This gives a kind of shabby chic. Perfect for old houses.

It is different to paper which is never touched by pigments, which look loke these roof tops in the swiss mountains.

Tine Klein urban sketchin Mountains in Switzerland watercolor usk Proposel Pune urban sketchers Pune

Nothing is easier than removing watercolor paint. Nevertheless, a few tips for proper handling.
Flat brushes with a sharp edge are best for precisely removing paint from existing glazes.

Strong rubbing is strictly forbidden.

This will push the pigments deep into the paper. Rubbing also damages the surface of the paper, and afterwards the color application will always look different from other areas.
Summary: All you need is a synthetic brush, a rag and some patience. With this you can correct any watercolor!

The attitude of mind to this technique is very important, because many use it only to correct mistakes.

But if you master it, you can paint pictures quite playfully.

Whatever you do, you can change it again. This makes life easy! It fundamentally changes the design of images.

At all washing out look very soft, like light in the morning or night..


Problems with water: blossoms and back runs.

A back run starts when a brush loaded with water touches a paper which is damp.


You may often have problems with water blossoms in your sketches.

These water spots always occur when your brush is wetter than the paint on the paper.

When the color is damp, the pigments are not settled into the fibers of the paper! the pigments are picked up by the water and they run with it.


If you work quickly you won’t have any problems with water spots at all, because they don’t even occur when you put wet paint on top of another wet paint.

The water stain is created because the water pushes the pigments in front of it, like a big wave grabbing the boats on the ocean. If everything is wet, the process of settling down is not disturbed!

If you are painting slowly, your paint will dry.
Every time you dip the brush with its entire body into the water, it will load with water.

If this soaking wet brush hits your painting, then it will leave a big flower because of the pigments back run.

A brush should never be wetter than the paint.


Every time you clean your brush, you knock the brush out so that excess water splashes out.
Of course, this does not work everywhere, so you always need a cotton cloth to dry the brush.


Work fast or controlled! Both will help you avoid the water blossoms.  The paint may be worked as long as it wet and not damp. After that, you need to take a break.

Patience and waiting are the hardest part of this technique.
If you need more time for a nice application of the pigments, you can resort to some tricks.
Watercolorists always work on cotton paper. The paper behaves like a sponge. Cotton paper absorbs a lot of water, so the surface always remains moist.
If you want to make color applications that are nice and even, and completely without these water blossoms, then this paper is of course perfect.
For urban sketchers, however, cotton paper is not necessarily the best choice. It depends on the climatic conditions of your country, of course. In our country it is always relatively cold, so paper dries very slowly.Other countries, however, the humidity can be very high. In all these cases, cotton paper makes painting slow. Joy and sorrow, on the one hand the paper makes wonderfully even paint applications, on the other hand it drives you crazy because it does not dry.

But there is a second solution, you work with a dry brush in the wet paint. The pigments from the dry brush will vary the color nicely without water bloom.

And now it becomes clear: Perfect watercoloring means controlling water!

In fact, you often create great effects by turning off the faucet.

Brush techniques – Mastering the dry brush!

Tine Klein, acuarela, Cadaques, costa brava, Grau mischen, Tutorial, Aquarell, uskcatalunya, uskspain,Watercolor,

Dry brush a speedy technique perfect for urban sketching!

When the sun is shining then you have reflection everywhere. Especially on water you have white spots all the time, because the light reflects so brightly that you can no longer see any color.

You can paint these reflections very easily and in seconds.

Tine Klein Empuria Brava costa brava malen ist illustriren


Dry brush technique, the first step is to dry the brush, because the whole brush technique is useless if the brush is soaking wet.

There are two methods to do this, either dry the brush with a cloth or you can quickly shake the water out of the brush.

But this is usually not enough, the brushes store water wonderfully.
A brush transports the water from its belly to the tip.

It is important to stop the flow of water in the brush. To do this, bend the brush and use the side of the brush.

Watercoloring involves not only applying water, but also limiting the water. The brush can´t release water anymore.


I will show this brush technique in the workshop.

Test the brush ! Is it now dry enough?
Only when the amount of water in the brush is perfect, you use this brush technique in your painting.

Then you see the brush at high speed over the paper. The brush is no longer able to put enough color on the paper and the stroke breaks.

You have to practice this brush technique a bit!
But once you have practiced this technique, you will become the queen of the watercolorists.


This technique is like riding a bicycle or motorcycle, if you are too slow you will fall!
If you are fast enough, everything becomes easy.

If you are fast the stroke breaks, have a look at the tree:

Tine Klein Aquarelle, Aquarell Watercolor, Basel, Kaserne, malen lernen, uskbasel2022


Fine and elegant lines.




Albert Einstein said:

“It’s easier to solve problems than to live with troublemakers all the time.“

And I agree ! There are always very simple solutions to the most complicated problems.


Line drawing is so complicated:

Aeschenplatz Basel Aquarell Tine Klein macht urban sketches

because we work with water and water just doesn’t keep its shape. For this to succeed, you need a lot of experience and must always have the right paint consistency. These lines are made with a high speed dry brus in a very small size.

It is so complicated; everyone tries it and fails.

I wonder why?

Because there are much simpler brush techniques for drawing lines.

The use of different techniques gives the opportunity to bring motifs very quickly and spontaneously on the paper. In this spontaneous sketch you can see 3 unusual ways to make lines.
– Above left in the skyscraper the lines were made with a wax crayon, then you only need to go over it with a thick brush. The structure of the house arises itself.
– Below left, the small street cafe was not painted in a complicated way. Tables and chairs were scratched into the wet paint. The people in the background are simply washed out. In this way, you can show something without putting a lot of time into it.

This technique is particularly suitable for creating inconspicuous background motifs.

Scratching lines:

The simplest of all is scratching. You see the line with a hard object into the wet paint.

you don´t need expensive Material just use:

  •  your fingernail
  •  the nib of your fountain pen .
  • Or the other pointed wood of your brush.
  • Also wonderfully suitable are edges of credit cards

This brush technique is much easier, the paper just needs to be wet enough so you can make a groove in the paper. This groove will fill with pigment. And so, you can easily draw wonderful lines in the wet paper without a pen. The scratched line will always be darker than the color and it will always match colors. Look at the house!

The advantage is that the line color always matches the background absolutely exactly.

This technique is really good for urban sketching, because it’s quick, easy and you don’t need any material.

The big drawback to this technique is that once you draw lines, you can’t remove them. The groove in the paper will always fill with pigment.


Stamping lines!

In watercolor running lines very easily!

But there is smart solution to avoid this problem.
Paint no longer runs when its consistency is very thick.
Unfortunately, you can not paint lines with it, the paint is too thick, the brush can no longer work here.
Nevertheless, you can use the brush. You can stamp lines with a flat brush. The whole thing also works wonderfully with all hard objects.
Therefore, many painters have an old credit card and use it instead of a brush.

Stamping is a smart solution!

In this little sketch I used a flat brush like a stamp.

Have a look at the crane it is made with the edge of a credit card.

Lifting Lines!

Dark lines are so easy to make! But what about light lines?

It’s super easy to lift out light lines from watercolors, too. There are a whole range of techniques for this.

The easiest, but hardest method to learn is how to scratch out damp paint.

Unfortunately, you have to catch the exact moment when the applied paint is almost dry.

When the paint has the consistency of honey  then it is easy to lift!

At this moment you can easily scratch it out of the picture. And in the process make very fine, and elegant lines.
Germans would say:

Without sweat no Win!

That means you have to practice this technique for a really long time.

But if you master it! You will be a hero of watercolor!

There is a second and much easier technique. You need a very fine brush.  You just paint the lines with clear water on top of the dry glaze. Then you can wipe off the color of the glaze.

The point of this technique is that you can subsequently work out thick and thin lines from already dry paint.
But very fine lines will remain a problem for beginners with this technique. Because the resulting lines will always be a little thicker than intended due to the running of the water.

The game is the way to success!

Those who use brush techniques playfully have great advantages.
If you use the brush playfully, you will find more and more solutions that will later help you to paint great pictures.

This makes your pictures playful and unique!

Every mistake you make is not a problem, but an invitation to learn something.
Open your eyes to all the solutions!

A brush is not a tool for only one working technique.

You can use not only wet brushes, but also dry ones. You can apply paint, remove paint, or wipe it out.

In every brush technique that solves a problem, there is usually a clever use of moisture.

That’s why you should always pay attention to it:

How wet is the paint and how wet is the brush?

If you always keep this question in mind, then you are on the way to becoming a master.

I hope you enjoyed the workshop, best regards from Switzerland.
Tine Klein

Tine Klein, Aquarell, Bern, Schweiz,,


An article about the dry brush, use the translate Button it is written in German Language:

Der trockene Strich



Art makes people happy. But many people, do not have the money to afford quality art lessons. For these people, I have been writing free art lessons for many years on a voluntary basis and without economic interest.
If you are economically well, then you are welcome to donate a little bit.
Because even a non-commercial blog needs some money to run.



Lavieren, lässige Wasserspiele mit Pinsel

Tine Klein watercolor, Aquarell rivert Spanien, lavieren

Ein ganzer Haufen Urban Sketcher hat sich in Spanien getroffen. Frei nach dem Motto: „Gute Motive brauchen ein bisschen Hausfriedensbruch“ sind wir gerade unbefugt in ein altes Werksgelände eingedrungen.

Tine klein beim malen, lavieren

Jetzt zeigt sich wie unterschiedlich Menschen sind. Detlef und Nicola stürzen sich entzückt auf die Bagger.

Karin ist von den Rohrleitungen fasziniert. Ich mit meiner rosaroten Brille finde das die alte Chemiefabrik doch wirklich hübsch ist. Die fetten weißen Tanks funkeln in der Sonne und ich beschließe mein Skizzenbuch braucht ein Landschaftsaquarell, also heute mal ohne Stift.

Ich zücke den ganz fetten Pinsel und auf geht es. Mein Skizzenbuch ist 30 cm groß und mein Pinsel ist 4 cm gros. Kann das gut gehen?

Mit dem Farbe lavieren verhält es sich wie folgt:

Ich irre rum und finde meine Socken nicht, Christoph Colombus irrte sich einmal und fand Amerika.

Beim malen bin ich allerdings wie Columbus, ich vertraue auf den super Fehler.

Der Trick ist sich auf die Reise zu machen und zwar mit dem fetten Pinsel.

Farbeffekte beim Lavieren sind ein wenig Glücks abhängig!  Wer auf sein Glück vertraut, wird mit tollen Farben belohnt. Oft geben Irrungen und Wirrungen die besten Effekte, weil ungewöhnlich!

Farbeffekte mit Glück und etwas Spucke!

Tatsächlich klappt der Farbeffekt mit Spucke sogar ganz prima! Ich kenne einen sehr guten Aquarellisten der Spuckt regelmäßig auf seine Aquarelle verteilt um die Farbe zu variieren. Er war ziemlich erkältet, danach war jedes Aquarell ein Seuchenmutterschiff. Nach der ersten Faszination des Grauens, es sieht tatsächlich gut aus, es gibt ein ähhh, schönes Sprühmuster, habe ich mir zügig einen Platz weit weg gesucht.

Bis heute grüble ich ob das die Käufer wissen? Ich bevorzuge die Farbvariation mittels lavieren.

Interessante Farben durch lavieren

Lavieren kommt von lavare, Wäsche waschen. Es geht drum, dass man Farbe ins Wasser laufen lässt. In alten Aquarellbüchern wird lavieren als ein hochkomplizierter Vorgang bei dem gestochen scharfe Farbverläufe entstehen beschrieben.

Ich als Schwester des Chaos bevorzuge bevorzuge das Lavieren eher in der urbanen “ kipp- mal- zusammen Methode“.  Ich lasse Farben ganz unformell ineinander laufen.

Interessante Farbflächen

Der Laie versucht eine Fläche brav auszumalen, der Profi versucht die Farbe interessant zu machen.

Lieber ein tolles Bild als zwei Öde.

Man lässt eine feuchte Farbe zerfließen und interessant wird es, wenn man andere Farben mit einbringt.

Innerhalb einer Farbe oder bei verwandten Farben ist das überhaupt kein Problem, denn hier gibt es beim Eintropfen auf das Papier gar keine Probleme.

Im Bild seht ihr ja, ich laviere die Bäume alle in Grün,Blau und Gelb. So ist am absolut auf der sicheren Seite. Der Farbton verändert sich, das ist nichts was ein Bild zerstört!  Wer also anfängt auf dem Blatt zu mischen und nicht im Kasten  zu mischen sollte so anfangen.

Tipp für Anfänger , Farbe auf dem Blatt verändern:

Fläche einfärben, auf der Schattenseite etwas dunklere Farbe eintupfen, auf der Lichtseite Farbe mit dem Taschentuch wegsaugen. Trara und schon ist es interessant und räumlich!


Kontolle adé

Die schönsten Farbeffekte erzielt man, wenn man nass in nass Farbe ineinander laufen lässt, deshalb ist mein dicker Pinsel auch genau richtig. Vergiss die Kontrolle und lehn dich zurück und lass die Farbe machen!

Der beste Tipp ist: Farbe ineinander tropfen oder pinseln und dann:

Finger weg!

Denn die Pigmente müssen sich ganz natürlich verteilen können.

Läuft etwas aus dem Lot, dann lieber das Papier neigen und bewegen als mit dem Pinsel drin rumzurühren!

Oft weiß man nach der ersten Sekunde :

UPPS! Wasserfarbe ist ein Krimi!  Das war ein Mord! Dann bitte nicht zögern, sofort den Lappen drauf und die ganze Farbe aufsaugen.

Alles andere gibt unschöne Bremsspuren!

Nur die Ruhe:

Ein einmal gesetzte Farbeffekte brauchen Ruhe, dann können die Farben arbeiten.

Manche Farben spalten sich, das nennt man granulieren! Es sieht wunderschön aus. Andere Farben mischen sich oder stoßen sich ab. Das entsteht durch das unterschiedliche Gewicht der Pigmente.

Faustregel: Man darf so lange in der nassen Farbe arbeiten, bis sie anfängt zu trocken, ist kein Wasser mehr da in dem die Pigmente schwimmen können, dann gibt es unschöne Bremsspuren.

Wirklich keine Kontrolle? Die Macht des Gefühls!

Viel Wasser macht tolle Farbeffekte, aber je nasser das Papier ist desto unkontrollierbarer ist die Farbe. Die Kontrollierbarkeit der Farbeffekte entsteht mit Erfahrung und viel Gefühl.

Aber wie erreicht man das? Der eine Tipp ist abwarten, denn die Farbe darf nicht ultra nass sein, dann zerfließt alles.

Aquarellbücher sagen: Nimm den dicksten Pinsel mit Naturhaaren den du kriegen kannst und sauge so viel Farbe und Wasser auf wie du kriegen kannst!

SToooopppp das ist Bullshit!

Diese Anweisung stammt noch aus einer Zeit in der ganz ordentliche Farbverläufe auf riesigem Papier modern waren! Und seither schreibt es jeder ab!

In kleinen Formaten  machen sich dicke Synthetik Pinseln gut, weil genug Wasser für die notwendige Feuchtigkeit da ist und zu wenig Wasser für Überschwemmungskatastrophen.

Dicke Kolinskypinsel setzen Skizzenbücher unter Wasser, dann ist kein kontrolliertes lavieren möglich!

In kleinen Formaten sind dicke Synthetikhaarpinsel und Taschentücher die wichtigsten Accessoires zum lavieren, denn  Taschentücher dämmen Überschwemmungen ein und schützen weiße Flächen!


Liebe Grüße ins Wochenende Tine

Jetzt muss ich Gas geben, die anderen sind schon fertig.

Detlef war auch mal wieder dabei, ist immer schön in seinem Skizzebuch zu stöbern: hier zu einem älteren Artikel:




Merry X-mas and a happy New Year

I have an unusual christmas present for you, it is a view

See through the glasses of lots of wonderful artists….Thank you so much for this wonderful experience!

Most people think that an eye is just an eye but the eye is our window to the brain. The human brain is the most complex arrangement of matter in the known universe and it is the only part of the brain you could see.

To share an artwork is much more than to share a small drawing, it is the only way to share a vision to see through the eyes and with the brain of another person. An artwork is the only way to share an inner vision and therefore drawing brings you together in a wonderful way .

My Name is Tine Klein and this is my Christmas gift for you, I collected wonderful views of amazing creative people.

Seeing 500 people drawing was amazing and impressive. The sketchers are a community founded by the power and the joy of collective creativity.

By all communalities and similarities between the artists the reason what makes art exciting and thrilling are the differences between us!

We do the same, we love the same and we create something totally unique!

A view says more than thousands of words…..

A view is something spectacular. Science knows today that eyes are not only eyes, eyes are a part of the brain and so we share with every drawing secret parts of our personality.


That makes me happy, I learn so much while I am looking through the eyes of different people.

Seeing them sketching the same subject makes it very clear that there are thousands of wonderful ways to see the world.

Lots of sketchers feel unsure about their own art, about what is right and what is wrong?

But to tell the truth there is no safe side in art.

Look through the glasses of some fascinating creative personalities from all countries, this helps greatly to understand that art is free.

I hope that you can see clearly that the world is a big and colorful place and you have countless possibilities.

Please see the artworks in a special way, use the opportunity to see a situation from another’s point of view. See there are thousands of wonderful ways to do sketch it.

See how wonderful different the view of people is. Please look without criticism. Do not judge like this one is better like that one. All this sketches are step stones on the same way of art.

Art and sketching is a way, you start and you never stop to learn. Everyone stands just on another point of view.

It is like a living and growing tree with lots of branches and ramifications in all directions.

Your point of view is a treasure…we need your view.

Sketch and feel free! Nothing is predetermined

Lynne Chapmann

Lynne Chapman Palace Hotel Manchester

This is Lynn’s amazing work: She wrote „Stayed overnight in Manchester. The sun was so lovely I had to grab this quick painting of the hotel, before starting work this morning.“


A view depends on your mind

What have <i learned? It was raining and cold….let the sun shine into your soul….

I was so overwhelmed by my first symposium that I passed the hotel 3 times until I realized that there is an amazing view.

Krystyna Prus Szczepanowski Dislich

Krystyna Prus Szczepanowski Dislich palace hotel Manchester: Blog.Herz-der-Kunst.ch

Krystyna wrote: „One of the last sketches I made in Manchester: the iconic Palace hotel. I feel that I’ve learned so much from all of you!“

Find Krystinas Art here:  www.facebook.com/krystynaszczepanowskiwatercolours

I feel the same: Seeing through different eyes helps me to find my way. We are all fascinated by the same things but what we actually really see is largely determined by our special personality.


A bit of overstatement is fine for things we love

Rosario Félix

Rosario Félix, Palace Hotel Manchester, Bolg-Herz-der-Kunst.ch

That is great when I saw this I was open-mouthed with amazement.

Memorize: A bit exaggeration is very helpful to show the good things.

Rosario Félix http://dequemeservemosolhos.blogspot.pt/

Find your own view!

Susann Bottomley

I allways admire people who have the power to find their own view. I like the view like Sherlock Holmes. Sue Ann Bottomley ignored the obvious and had the power to find a smaller beautifull house. It stands in the background and it is hard to see.

You are the art director in your sketch find your own camera movement!


Sue Ann Bottomley: House in manchester Blog.herz-der-Kunst.ch


See more from Manchester at Sues Blog :


To do things in your own way is very important and to find the soul and the spirit of something is  very important. Watch out for the typical. We talked about the obvious. Manchester is orange, red and blue. This is not a mass psychosis, the contrast of the colors is so wonderful that you can´t ignore it:

1000 different and  dead right ways to express the same

Tine Klein Rainy Machester:

My first sketch looks like a Christmas card, the orange tower in front of the dark and stormy sky fascinated me. I was sitting cold and freezing at the pavement.


Nicola Maier Reimer

shared my feelings and she showed in a grandios manner, the feeling of bad weather.

She was drawing the same feeling in a totally different way.

What to remember: Do it in your own way, it is the right one!

This is Nicola Maier Reimers great blog: http://maier-reimer.de/category/reiseskizzen/

Suhita Shirodkar

found another great way to show English weather.

Suhita Shirodkar palace hotel manchester

Find Suhita here:


When you have time read Suhitas wonderful blog: https://sketchaway.wordpress.com/

Fill your art work with Live

James Richards

James Richards Place Hotel manchester

I love urban sketches full of life! And this is what James does, he fills places with energy!


I dare you!, Sketching people its often nothing more than a box with legs!

Suhita was drawing the Scene twice and now she shows the scene with a lot of street live.

Suhita Shirodkar palace hotel manchester

Showing people is allwas a good idea, you are afraid of drawing people?

Drawing people is much more worth than the risk of it…the little stories capture your heart!

Discovering the world


Urban Sketching is much more than drawing something, it is dicovering the word. To see the world from an different angle or perspektive helps to understand the world.

David Steedon

shows the palace hotel from the backside.

If you show different ways to view, your sketchbook never will be boring.

Palace Hotel bach side Davis Steedon

This is David Steedens Blog: theurbansketcher.blogspot.co.uk

Do it easy and relaxed and find like-minded people

Delphine Priollaud-Stoclet

I often draw very loose but do not often find others which do the same. Urban sketching together is a greet way to find like-minded.

When I see Delphine´s work my heart sings.

Palace hotel Manchester Delphine Priollaud-Stoclet

When I see Delphine´s work my heart sings:


 Find your own route

Art is the only way without rules, so please choose your own route. Pad works with her own mix of Materials and creates a wonderful skeetchbook.

Pat Southern-Pearce

Pat Southern-Pearce Palace Hotel Manchester

You can find Pat Southern-Pearce on Flicker, Facebook and Instagram

You cant by the real important things in life

We all love to buy art material but it is wonderful that you do not need a lot of money to make art. What makes urban sketching wonderful you can do it with a ball point pen or with a branch.

Kiah Kiean Chng

is drawing with branches. Is that simpel? Yes, it is simply beautyful!

It is wonderful that you can´t buy the important things in life! KK is drawing with ink and branches. The creavity of a person is priceless.

Manchester Palace Hotel: Kiah Kiean Chng

Thank you KK, working with you made me very happy:



Do it with energy

Marc Taro Holmes

Show what you like powerful! I love it to view with Marc Holmes eyes:


Jut do it!…. with enthusiasm

The best example is Daniel Nies. Daniel jumped at 7 o´clock out of the bed, ringed me out of my bed. And we made the first sketch at 7.30 in Manchester. I am terribly grumpy in the morning but enthusiasm is intoxicating. The results are great sketches:

Daniel Nies

Daniel Nies Manchester Palace Hotel

Find Daniel Nies on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/danielnies/albums/

the best things in life are priceless

  • the people we love
  • the places we have been
  • the Sketches and Memorys we´ve made

Merry x-mas and a happy new Year from and a lot Hugs from Switzerland


Thank you so much for reading an participating! Do you draw the same ? Please send it!

You are invited to read more if you can read German: https://blog-herz-der-kunst.ch/malen-ist-entscheiden/